Rainwater Goods

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RW01 Rainwater - Gutter

  Gutter "6ft" longwith Stopend and internal connector. Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints" Plea…


RW02 Rainwater Gutter - Outside Angle

Angle with outside corner Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints"


RW03 Rainwater Gutter - Inside Angle

Angle with inside corner Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints"


RW05 Rainwater Gutter - Downpipe

Pipe straight "4ft" long with connector end and bracket Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints" Please n…


RW06 Rainwater Gutter - Pipe Offset

Pipe, offset, with connector end. Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints"


RW07 Rainwater Gutter - Waste Pipe

Waste Pipe, domestic, with bracket. Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints"


RW08 Rainwater Gutter - Hopper Head

Hopper Head. Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints"


RW09 Rainwater Gutter - Shoe

Shoe. Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints"


RW10 Rainwater Gutter - Drain Cover

Drain Cover. Natural Pewter Can be painted with "enamel paints"


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Jennifer's of Walsall © 2017